3 de June de 2022

Quantum Technologies for Logistics and Mobility: Potential Synergies

  •  ProjectsQuantum technology is developing exponentially, but there are still many unknowns about how it works.
  • In order for traditional and quantum computers to work together, an intelligent process needs to be developed to optimise both uses.
  • Mastering quantum computing can bring supremacy in Artificial Intelligence.

In the Logistop Webinar “Quantum Technologies for Logistics and Mobility: potential synergies” we made a brief introduction to quantum technologies, providing the keys for the realistic and effective adoption of this emerging technology by organisations in the logistics and mobility sector, a sector that is particularly active in this field due to the type of needs linked to optimisation.

For this, we have counted with the participation of Javier Olmos, Head of Strategy and Business Development, Industrial, Digital and Electromobility Solutions, R&D, CARTIF, Paula Hernampérez, Researcher of the Energy Division, CARTIF, David Escuín, Head of Digital Technologies Project, ITAINNOVA, Guillermo Gil, Impact Development-Quantum Technologies, TECNALIA, and with the presentation and moderation of Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director, Logistop​.

Webinar Logistop Tecnologías cuánticas para Logística y Movilidad potenciales sinergias

Quantum Computing Concepts and Platforms

First, Javier Olmos gave an introduction to quantum computing with the aim of bringing it closer to the audience, analysing how physics has evolved and advanced and how it has impacted (and is impacting) logistics and transport over the years.

Among the main advantages that Javier highlighted of the application of quantum computing are superposition and entanglement, avoiding decoherence, so that we have a great quantum parallelism.


“Today, we must be aware that we are learning and discovering how quantum computers work, however, we still do not know how exactly the quantum interactions involved work”

Javier Olmos, Head of Strategy and Business Development. Industrial, Digital and Electromobility Solutions. R&D, CARTIF

Paula Hernampérez then analysed how computers have evolved and how quantum computers work. All of this taking into account that current computers, despite the advances that are being made, still have limitations. Therefore, with quantum computers what is being sought is a solution that allows for a more efficient representation of data, with greater capacity, greater speed and whose future potential will take us even further than traditional computers.

“In order for traditional and quantum computers to work together in the future, complementing the advantages of each of them, it is necessary to develop an intelligent process to identify which calculations and algorithms a quantum computer would do and which a traditional computer would do in order to optimise the use of both computers”

Paula Hernampérez, Researcher in the Energy Division, CARTIF

Application and use case

David Escuín presented to the audience a series of use cases based on the optimisation of traffic signal control using quantum technology and how this has been a resource that has provided a response to a series of complex problems that arise in this field.  

Among the quantum solutions that have already been implemented, David analysed the MOZART project (Traffic Management with traffic signal control using Quantum-Inspired optimization), the Q-Traffic Technology project (Global traffic control using quantum annealing) and the Quatum Routing: Lisbon project developed by Volkswagen.

“Quantum technology is a tool that has been born to provide an answer to many very complex problems and is currently at the launching point”

David Escuín, Head of Digital Technologies Projects, ITAINNOVA

Barriers and keys to adoption

Finally, Guillermo Gil answered the question of why quantum computing is important, highlighting aspects such as the possibility of solving optimisation and simulation problems of transversal application, having cybersecure communications by adapting cyber protection to the quantum paradigm, as well as having ultra-precision detection systems through quantum sensing.

Likewise, there are still some barriers when it comes to adopting quantum technologies, as Guillermo analyses, with questions such as the speed of their consolidation, their maturity, the necessary capabilities that teams must develop, their coexistence with other technologies already deployed, the measurement of ROI in the business… It is therefore necessary to establish a roadmap that provides answers to how the organisation is going to focus its strategy for adopting quantum in its business.

“The importance of quantum computing lies in the fact that its domain can bring supremacy in Artificial Intelligence (as well as in other domains)”

Guillermo Gil, Impact Development-Quantum Technologies, TECNALIA

About Logistop

Logistop is the benchmark workspace for collective innovation through the realisation of projects hand in hand with our members. Transforming the entire supply chain into a more efficient and sustainable one. All this with the aim of articulating and carrying out innovation projects among the members, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations outside Logistop.
