Logistics Innovation

At Logistop, a leader in logistics innovation in Spain, we turn our ideas into value and transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry, companies and society in general to be more efficient and sustainable.


Trend observation and analysis


Presentation of ideas/project seeds


Analysis and discussion of innovation in the sector


Contribution to future logistics innovation


Identifying interests


We add value to the strategic lines of action

One of Logistop’s main objectives is to promote the need for innovation among companies involved in the logistics sector; to promote innovation projects; and to communicate the real needs of the sector at an institutional level.

Working Groups

Port Logistics

Innovation in port logistics is necessary to continue pursuing sustainability, efficiency, safety, security and visibility in order to improve competitiveness of ports and to reduce time and costs, as well as pollution emissions in operations.

Decarbonization and sustainability

Decarbonisation can be approached from many interrelated perspectives. Our approach is based on three specific areas: hydrogen and other sustainable vectors; energy efficiency and renewables; and other enablers such as Decarbonisation and Energy Saving Certificates, energy communities, green power purchase agreements and means of compensation, and forward strategic project planning, among others.

Public Financing

It offers the possibility of providing service and advice to Logistop’s partners in the global management of public incentives at European and national level to finance innovation projects.

Urban Logistics

Optimisation and efficiency of operations, evolution of delivery modes through alternative means, use of proximity warehousing, active collaboration between municipalities, public and private companies, data sharing, utilisation of technology and consolidation of operations are some of the main challenges of urban logistics.

Digitization and automation

Playing a transversal role with the rest of the areas, we will support current disruptive technologies with the use of, among others, the following: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twins, Big Data and Data Analytics, process automation and robotics, Robotics and collaborative robotics, AMR and AGVs and sensorisation