9 de April de 2024

The energy future: prosumers and storage

  • Energy storage is one of the key elements in guaranteeing stability and efficiency in demand management.

  • The experts debated and analysed how stationary batteries optimise the use of renewable energies, generating new opportunities.

Logistop, under the title “Observatory Logístic: stationary batteries in logistics environments”, organised an online event in which the critical role of stationary batteries in the supply chain was highlighted. The event was attended by experts in the field such as Juan Carlos de Pablo Olaiz, Head of Innovation Decarbonisation and sustainability applied to the logistics chain at LogistopVicente Pérez Guaita, Technical Director at Ecoinversol, Luis Marquina, President of the Asociación Empresarial de Pilas, Baterías y Almacenamiento Energético (AEPIBAL), Israel Rosado, Technical Director – COO at On Energy / Edair Tecnologies, Jon Rozados García, Head of the Electricity Sector, Tecnalia, and with the conduction of Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director, Logistop.

Baterías estacionarias en entornos logísticos

Energy storage and stationary batteries

We are at a time when the line between consumers and producers of energy is blurring, and logistics centres and ports are emerging as key players in the generation and consumption of energy. As Juan Carlos de Pablo pointed out, we are thus moving towards the concept of “prosumers”, which reflects the need for energy storage solutions such as stationary batteries.

“The accumulation of energy, especially electrical energy through batteries, is essential for logistics environments to take advantage of renewable energies”

Juan Carlos de Pablo, Head of Innovation Decarbonisation and sustainability applied to the logistics chain, Logistop

During the course of the day, the growing need to store energy generated by renewable sources, whether on-site or exchanged with the external power grid, was addressed. With practical examples and analysis, the experts present discussed how stationary batteries not only optimise self-consumption of energy, but also provide significant economic opportunities.

In this regard, Vicente Pérez highlighted the importance of energy storage in grid optimisation. Referring to “duck curves”, he illustrated how non-renewable electricity generation can create challenges in the grid, unbalancing supply and demand. However, he highlighted that storing surplus energy during peak production can mitigate these negative effects.

“In addition to increasing the degree of self-consumption, energy is sold to the grid when it has value”

Vicente Pérez Guaita, Technical Director, Ecoinversol

For his part, Luis Marquina emphasised the significant transformation that stationary batteries are generating in the energy sector, as well as the opportunity they represent for consumers, as they offer the possibility of generating additional income. Marquina underlined that the stability of energy supply is no longer limited to the traditional generation, transmission and consumption relationship, but that now consumers, as mentioned at the beginning, have the ability to become “prosumers”, actively participating in the generation and management of energy. In addition, he highlighted that energy storage is essential to solve challenges such as price variability, and that its adoption will continue to be fundamental in the process of electrification of demand, providing new opportunities in a constantly evolving energy landscape.

“In these times of paradigm shift, it is essential for a logistics operator to ensure that it has a guarantee of supply in very good conditions, or from a distributor, compensated with its own storage equipment, which is also a new line of income”

Luis Marquina, President, Asociación Empresarial de Pilas, Baterías y Almacenamiento Energético (AEPIBAL)

Israel Rosado then highlighted the importance of implementing energy storage systems in logistics centres to efficiently manage demand and optimise energy supply. He stressed that one of the key aspects is to shift the consumption curve, storing surplus energy generated by renewable sources and using it when demand exceeds generation capacity. In addition, he pointed out that logistics centres face challenges in terms of the stability of electricity supply, with micro outages affecting operability. However, he stressed that through energy storage and management, these problems can be mitigated, optimising equipment performance and extending equipment life by selecting the most efficient batteries at any given time.

“In logistics centres, the most basic thing is to shift the consumption curve: store surplus energy and use it immediately when renewable energy generation cannot meet demand”

 Israel Rosado, Technical Director – COO, On Energy / Edair Tecnologies

Finally, Jon Rozados García highlighted the fundamental role of storage in the energy transition, underlining its importance for companies and different actors. He highlighted the paradigm shift in electricity generation, moving from a classic scheme to distributed distribution. He also emphasised the evolution of the consumer towards the role of prosumer and the need for flexibility in the electricity grid. He also pointed out the growing importance of storage, especially in the context of the accelerated growth of renewable energies.

“Innovation inherently carries uncertainty. When we are in the early stages of innovation or research, there is always uncertainty”

Jon Rozados García, Head of the Electricity Sector, Tecnalia

About Logistop

At Logistop we transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry and companies to become more efficient and sustainable.

We are a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the logistics innovation arena formed by all the actors involved in the supply chain, as well as universitiestechnology centresassociations and specialised consultancy firms.

One of Logistop’s main objectives is:

  1. To promote the need for innovation among companies involved in the logistics sector;
  2. To promote innovation projects;
  3. To communicate the real needs of the sector at an institutional level.
