16 de December de 2022

Activity and progress report September – December 2022

On 30 November we concluded the events for 2022. Between the months of September and November, Logistop organised, in addition to the face-to-face event with preferential access for Logistop & Partners Innovation Day Building the logistics innovation of the future, 5 webinars, 2 Logis-Talks, 3 focus sessions and 12 project sessions that have allowed us to continue to generate knowledge and identify common needs and opportunities among the different actors for the definition and implementation of innovation projects, taking advantage of available or soon to be available funding opportunities, making Logistop the ideal channel to capitalise on these funding opportunities and to articulate and carry out projects that allow us to access these grants. 

These events are linked to our thematic areas: urban logistics, port logistics, decarbonisation, circular economy, public financing and digitalisation and automation. You can consult the activities and progress we have made in this report.

We hope that this information will be of interest to you and that we will be able to contact you as an active part of our association, the main reference for collaborative innovation in the field of logistics in Spain.

For more information, you can contact us by email at info@logistop.org.

