24 de March de 2022

Collaboration is positioned as a key element in the green transition of logistics and transport.

Representatives of institutions and companies linked to the field of logistics innovation have discussed about the axes of innovation in the hybrid conference Green transition to zero emissions model in logistics and transport, co-organised by Logistop and ITENE on Thursday 24 March in Paterna (Valencia).

At the opening of the conference, Roser Obrer, General Director of Public Works, Transport and Sustainable Mobility of the Department of Territorial Policy, Public Works and Mobility at Generalitat Valenciana, Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director at Logistop and Javier Zabaleta, Managing Director at ITENE, highlighted the work that is being developed both in the field of public administration and from private companies and associations of the sector to carry out this technological transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable model through the collaboration of all the actors.

Sergio Güerri, head of the Transport and Mobility Unit at ITENE, Guillermo López, technical advisor of the subdirectorate general Energy Efficiency at MITECO, Juan Carlos de Pablo, leader of the working group on Decarbonisation of Logistop and Innovation Manager at FM Logistic, Federico Torres Monfort, Director of Ecological Transition at Port Authority of Valencia, Carlos Sánchez Díaz, PhD at the University Institute for Research in Energy Engineering of the UPV, Alberto Moreno, General Manager at T-Box Delivery Solutions, Isabel Sánchez Serrano, CEO at Grupo Disfrimur, and Delia Muñoz, Head of Engineering and Control at H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies.

Within the framework of their interventions, the participants addressed different sustainable initiatives that are being implemented both nationally and internationally with the aim of taking advantage of the different opportunities and possibilities offered by the new sources of more sustainable and efficient energies, as well as the challenges present in the current context.

Taking advantage of the know-how and expertise of each company and actor in the logistics chain, existing collaborative spaces should be used, such as Logistop, in order to create and achieve a sustainable and efficient supply chain, but also solvent and profitable through continuous improvement and learning from the initiatives that are already underway.

About Logistop

Logistop is the benchmark workspace for collective innovation through the realisation of projects hand in hand with our members. Transforming the entire supply chain into a more efficient and sustainable one. All this with the aim of articulating and carrying out innovation projects among the members, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations outside Logistop.
