29 de March de 2023

Decarbonisation and digital transformation define the challenges for Urban Logistics in an environment of uncertainty

  • In 2050, 80% of the world’s population will live in cities.
  • Living LAB Madrid as an example of the development of logistics solutions.

Logistop has organised the LogisTalks online event “Impact of sustainability in port logistics: challenges and opportunities” in which, together with experts in the field, we have analysed the impact that sustainability has on port logistics, focusing on the challenges and opportunities it offers the sector.

Currently, we are facing a constantly changing environment that tests all members of the supply chain and, especially, the so-called last mile, in which actions are being taken by all stakeholders with a direct impact on the way operations are managed in the centre of our cities.

Taking this context into account, and with the aim of carrying out an analysis of the environment and identifying actions and good practices that are currently being developed or that can help to undertake the necessary actions to face future challenges, taking as a starting point the development of means, infrastructures and technology for the DUM, Logistop, a leading association in logistics innovation, has organised the Logistic Observatory “Challenges of Urban Logistics in an environment of uncertainty”, with the introduction of Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director, Logistop, and with the participation of Carolina Ciprés, Director of Research,  Zaragoza Logistics Center, and Daniel Latorre, Deputy General Manager, CITYlogin Iberia, and respectively Vice-head and Head of Innovation of the Urban Logistics strategic line of Logistop, Alfonso Molina, Project Manager, CITYlogin Iberia, and José Manuel Vassallo, Professor, and Natalia Sobrino, Professor, Centro de Investigación del Transporte TRANSyTUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid.


Challenges for Urban Logistics

Carolina Ciprés highlighted a series of current challenges affecting society in general and which will therefore have an impact on urban logistics, such as demographic growth in cities (it is expected that by 2050 the world population living in cities will grow from 60% to 80%) or access to technology (it is necessary to train and educate society in new digital skills). In this sense, Ciprés also added one of the main challenges that urban logistics must face, which is the lack of drivers, it being essential to analyse and understand the problems and causes that give rise to this lack of drivers, such as, among other factors, the lack of recruitment of new professionals, working conditions or salaries, etc. 

Likewise, the two main trends that are defining urban logistics at the European level are decarbonisation (through the European Green Pact as a roadmap) and digital transformation (through the programme A Europe fit for the digital age). With regard to digitalisation, Ciprés stressed that cybersecurity and training in digital skills must always be present in each of the developments that take place, with the professionals of the future needing to be trained and have the necessary digital skills.

“The two main trends in Europe at the moment in the field of urban logistics are related to decarbonisation and digital transformation”
Carolina Ciprés, Director of Research, Zaragoza Logistics Center, and Vice-head of Innovation of Logistop’s Urban Logistics strategic line

For his part, Daniel Latorre pointed out the importance of focusing on the situation of uncertainty that urban logistics is experiencing with respect to the following factors: consumption (what type of actions the consumer carries out and their impact on logistics operations), technology (what technology should we move towards?), regulations (how are we going to respond to the low emissions scenario which, for example, already affects 149 cities in Spain) and operating costs (how does the impact of inflation affect logistics operators?)

“Consumption, technology, regulations and operating costs are four factors that logistics operators must take into account in this environment of uncertainty”
Daniel Latorre, Deputy General Manager, CITYlogin Iberia, and Head of Innovation of Logistop’s Urban Logistics strategic line

Living LAB Madrid. European LEAD project

Alfonso Molina analysed how, following the impact on last-mile logistics of the increase in demand due to new online shopping habits, LEAD was born as a response to the need to create new models of adaptive last-mile logistics and low emissions in support of the on-demand economy through digital twins and based on the microhub located in the underground car park of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid and operated by CITYlogin with 100% sustainable vehicles for delivery in the Madrid 360 area.

As Molina detailed, the LEAD project is based on four pillars: 1) generation of innovative business models, 2) agile distribution and storage, 3) zero or low-emission commercial vehicles and 4) intelligent solutions based on data.

“The simulation results of BAU & CCU pilot scenarios show a 12% decrease in driving time and a 33% decrease in kilometres driven, producing an impact on operations that promotes a paradigm shift”
Alfonso Molina, project manager, CITYlogin Iberia

Finally, José Manuel Vassallo and Natalia Sobrino carried out an assessment of the sustainability impacts (economic, social and environmental) of last mile logistics solutions in LEAD and in the long term and scalability. Vassallo explained how, through STAR Logistics, they have established the sustainability rating of the scenarios proposed for last mile logistics in Madrid. This tool allows the evaluation of logistics solutions from the point of view of sustainability and is based on a multi-criteria evaluation taking into account the opinion of experts and the urban context of the solution.

“The implementation of Urban Consolidation Centres is seen as a high priority from the point of view of Madrid’s plans”
José Manuel Vassallo, Professor, Centro de Investigación del Transporte TRANSyTUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid

About Logistop

At Logistop we transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry and companies to become more efficient and sustainable.

We are a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the logistics innovation arena formed by all the actors involved in the supply chain, as well as universities, technology centres, associations and specialised consultancy firms.

One of Logistop’s main objectives is: 1) To promote the need for innovation among companies involved in the logistics sector; 2) To promote innovation projects; 3) To communicate the real needs of the sector at an institutional level.
