7 de February de 2024

How to make new technologies tangible

  • Professionals from the logistics field meet in Zaragoza to analyse the trends that predominate (and will predominate) in collaborative logistics innovation and to share success stories in which these trends are already being implemented.

Logistop, a leading association in logistics innovation, in collaboration with ITAINNOVA – Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón and Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), held in Zaragoza the Logistop & Partners – Innovation Day: Building the logistics innovation of the future under the title Innovative experiences, new technologies and sustainability in logistics.

During this national conference, which was attended by more than 50 people representing companies from the entire logistics chain, the trends that predominate (and will predominate) in collaborative logistics innovation were analysed and success stories were presented in which these trends are already being implemented.

At the opening, by Raquel Campos, Director General of Strategic Planning and Logistics, Gobierno de Aragón, Pablo Gómez, president at Logistop and Managing Director at FM Logistic Ibérica, Susana Val, Director at ZLC and Esther Borao, Director General, ITAINNOVA, it was highlighted, mainly, the importance of encouraging and motivating companies to invest in innovation as, at the moment, it is still difficult to make this investment, as well as to bet on collaboration.

General Artificial Intelligence: are we heading towards it or is it coming towards us?

Mario Garcés, founder and CEO of The MindKind, and researcher in neuroscience and Algorithmic General Artificial Intelligence – AAGI, analysed the role of artificial intelligence and how, in trying to understand the problems that may arise from its development, people must always be at the centre. “Artificial systems are able to learn, reason and make decisions and behave like humans. This technology will be in all digital devices and this will entail risks and impacts on society today and in the future. Science and technology should be a means not an end,” Garcés stressed.

Good technological practices applied to the logistics chain

David Ciprés, head of the logistics research line at ITAINNOVA, and Head of Innovation of the strategic line Digitalisation and automation of processes for efficient and interconnected logistics at Logistop, moderated a round table in which successful cases of good practices applied to the logistics chain were analysed and shared.

Manuel Solans, IT director Supply Chain at Grupo Sesé, presented cases of use in which they are applying different technologies, stressing that for Artificial Intelligence to be effective “it is essential to be clear about the objective of the project and to have a good data cleaning and governance strategy”.

Martín De Tord Basterra, consultant and technician of logistics projects, with special focus on strategic and sustainability projects of Carreras Grupo Logístico, cshared the logistics strategies that are being implemented for energy management and energy storage. “The sustainability strategy is the tool that helps us to address the challenges facing society, lay the foundations for our evolution and generate new business opportunities”, highlighted De Tord.

Alberto Blanco, CEO of LastHop, then analysed how new mobility technologies can be applied to decarbonise the urban distribution of goods in pursuit of real green logistics.

Social impact of the supply chain

Alicia Martínez de Yuso, Project Manager of Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), presented the ReSChape project, highlighting the political, social, legal, technological, environmental and economic trends and their impact on the supply chain.

Quo vadis sustainable logistics

Juan Carlos de Pablo, partner at Ecoinversol and Head of Innovation of the strategic line Decarbonisation and sustainability applied to the logistics chain at Logistop, moderated a dialogue on experiences and challenges in solutions for the energy transition in which Fernando Bernabé, Head of Mobility Solutions at Ecoinversol, Ander Muelas, President at Endurance Motive, and Juan Francisco Pérez Moraleda, director of contracting at Imesapi. The participants in this dialogue shared with those present the main barriers they are encountering on their way to the energy transition, among which they highlighted technical barriers as well as regulatory and administrative barriers.

R&D&I as an opportunity for a competitive decarbonisation of logistics

Alfonso Mas Monzonís, Partnership Madrid at FI-Group, and Asier Maiztegi, Director of Strategies for the Decarbonisation of the Economy at TECNALIA and Vicehead of Innovation

of the strategic line Decarbonisation and sustainability applied to Logistop’s logistics chain, presented various funding opportunities (existing or future) and possible technological development and innovation projects to those present.

The conference, as highlighted by Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director of Logistop, also served to promote the role of Logistop in its promotion, channelling and continuous improvement in the field of collaborative logistics innovation in Spain.

Para obtener más información sobre la jornada, por favor, contactar con Iris Amado, comunicación y marketing de Logistop, en la dirección de correo electrónico iris.amado@logistop.org.

Acerca de Logistop: En Logistop, asociación referente en innovación logística, convertimos en valor nuestras ideas y transformamos mediante la innovación la cadena de suministro, ayudando a la industria, a las compañías y a la sociedad en general a ser más eficientes y sostenibles. Nuestra misión es transformar, mediante la innovación, la cadena de suministro ayudando a la industria y a las compañías para ser más eficientes y sostenibles. Logistop tiene entre sus principales objetivos impulsar la necesidad de innovar por parte de las compañías vinculadas al sector logístico; impulsar proyectos de innovación; y transmitir a nivel institucional cuáles son las necesidades reales del sector. A través de Logistop se definen, de manera efectiva, prioridades de investigación, desarrollo e innovación. Para ello, se promueven una serie de eventos (Observatory Logistic, LogisTalks, Innovation Lab, sesiones de enfoque, Innovation Day, jornadas de aportación de valor, etc.) para dinamizar, alinear prioridades y necesidades, así como para generar conocimiento y ponerlo en valor para asegurar la competitividad y sostenibilidad de la cadena logística y de la movilidad en España.
