31 de October de 2023

How to promote and achieve the decarbonisation of the logistics chain

  • Innovation and collaboration are some of the keys to achieving this.

  • Digital transformation also plays an important role in this process.

    Logistop organised the LogisTalks online event “Decarbonisation of the logistics chain: business strategies and actions”. During the event, experts in the field analysed and discussed the innovation strategies that companies are implementing to address the challenges of decarbonisation in the logistics chain.

    We had the participation of Bernat Ibáñez, Head of Innovation Unit, Autoridad Portuaria de Castellón, Rodrigo Fernández, Commercial Director, Butransa, Leire Armendariz, Technical Director: Commercial Studies, Project Management and Sustainability, FM Logistic, Javier Niño Gómez, Logistics and Procurement Coordinator, Voldis (Grupo Mahou San Miguel),  María José Jiménez Hernández, Medical EU Distribution Manager (Essity HMS div), Essity, Fernando Liesa, Secretary General, ALICE, and with the moderation of Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director, Logistop.

    LogisTalks Descarbonización

    Innovation strategy in the Castellón Port Authority

    Bernat Ibáñez stressed the importance of incorporating innovation in the strategy of the Port of Castellón, understanding innovation as the conversion of ideas into actions that add value. To this end, they focused on three key areas: 1. sustainability (how to incorporate renewable energies in the port, adoption of circular economy practices…); 2. digital transformation (exploring technologies such as digital twins, blockchain, etc. to move towards the notion of “Smart Ports”); and 3. innovation culture (training and capacity building as essential elements to ensure that staff are prepared to adopt these new technologies).

    “What we want is to encourage more external innovation; so that the ports become a sandbox, where new technologies can be tested and evaluated and, in addition, acquired by the port logistics sector”

    Bernat Ibáñez, Head of Innovation Unit, Autoridad Portuaria de Castellón

    Sustainability ecology in land transport SMEs

    Rodrigo Fernández shared the actions that Butransa is taking in relation to decarbonisation, currently betting on hydrogen, but with the future uncertain as to what will be the dominant energy source. He also pointed out that land transport accounts for approximately 30% of emissions, which obliges them to address this challenge in a more significant way.

    Rodrigo emphasised the need to carry out an energy transition, despite the difficulties faced, mainly by SMEs. In addition, the existing relationship with the customer will also have to change, as price will no longer be a differentiating factor.

    “Road transport is, to a certain extent, demonised and the EU is looking for us to decarbonise as soon as possible”

    Rodrigo Fernandez, Commercial Director, Butransa

    Decarbonisation at FM Logistic: Supply Change

    From the perspective of a multinational company like FM Logistic, Leire Armendariz pointed out that they are committed to sustainability in all aspects of the logistics chain. They collaborate with their customers in creating sustainable supply chains, with a focus on three pillars: people, planet and business partners, including suppliers and customers.

    In addition, Leire analysed what actions and projects they are developing with the aim of designing and leading their customers towards responsible supply chain models, encouraging changes in consumption habits and in our society.

    “When it comes to zero waste policy, we no longer talk about the 3Rs, but about 5: reuse, reduce and recycle, together with recover and repair”

    Leire Armendariz, Technical Manager: Business Studies, Project Management and Sustainability, FM Logistic

    Decarbonisation in DUM: Urban Hubs

    Javier Niño shared Voldis’ approach to tackling decarbonisation in the field of urban distribution of goods through its urban hubs, through transformation projects in a traditional sector, creating sustainable businesses with a positive footprint. In addition, they have zero-emission vehicles for last-mile distribution.

    In the current context, Javier highlighted that there is a drive towards sustainability and increasingly stringent environmental restrictions in cities. In last mile distribution, Javier discussed how they are facing the challenge of large delivery trucks making it difficult to enter and load city centre outlets. As well as facing the challenge posed by customers seeking flexibility, immediacy and agility.

    “With the creation of urban micro-hubs in city centres, always with the aim of moving towards innovation, they allow us to create an impact and reinforce our commitment to the hotel and catering industry and the environment”

    Javier Niño Gómez, Logistics and Procurement Coordinator, Voldis (Grupo Mahou San Miguel)

    Essity towards “zero” emissions: for the wellbeing of people and the planet

    For her part, María José Jiménez stressed that sustainability is not limited to the environment, but also encompasses social issues. María José highlighted the importance of working with innovation in production, cooperating with startups and other actors to make different products, avoiding product waste as much as possible, making it easily recyclable, working on the type of fuels used in factories and on more sustainable alternatives to change the raw materials used for products, etc.

    María José stressed that transparency of information is the best way to identify areas for development and, for this, it is necessary to be proactive and work together with suppliers to have this transparency, to have indicators of fuel consumption when working with fossil fuels, among other indicators.

    “We need to work with companies that are willing to be transparent in their reporting of consumption, including fossil fuels. We know that our consumers will not easily accept a cost increase and we have to look creatively and innovatively at how we can make these transports more sustainable, without dramatically increasing costs”

    María José Jiménez Hernández, Medical EU Distribution Manager (Essity HMS div), Essity

    Decarbonisation of the logistics chain from a European perspective

    Fernando Liesa explained to the attendees the roadmap for logistics decarbonisation that is being developed at European level with the aim of achieving and promoting more sustainable and zero-emission logistics. He also stressed the importance of knowing and measuring the carbon footprint in the logistics chain and the need to collaborate with other actors in the sector.

    He also stressed that transport is likely to see an increase in costs in its quest for sustainability, which adds further complexity to the whole process. But it is true, as Fernando stressed, that European regulation is going to be very strict on sustainability and decarbonisation.

    “hat we see from ALICE is that the advancement of competitive (price) technology for decarbonisation in some segments (e.g. long distance transport) and the need to reduce emissions to be within the 2°C target and the different regulations are not aligned”

    Fernando Liesa, Secretary General, ALICE

    LogisTalks “Descarbonización de la cadena logística: estrategias y acciones empresariales” reunió a expertos para abordar los desafíos y oportunidades de la descarbonización en la cadena logística, destacando la importancia de la innovación y la colaboración en este proceso. Subrayando, además, la necesidad de colaboración y transparencia en el sector logístico para encontrar soluciones efectivas y sostenibles que reduzcan los costos y permitan una transición exitosa hacia una cadena logística descarbonizada.

    About Logistop

    At Logistop we transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry and companies to become more efficient and sustainable.

    We are a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the logistics innovation arena formed by all the actors involved in the supply chain, as well as universitiestechnology centresassociations and specialised consultancy firms.

    One of Logistop’s main objectives is:

    1. To promote the need for innovation among companies involved in the logistics sector;
    2. To promote innovation projects;
    3. To communicate the real needs of the sector at an institutional level.
