4 de June de 2024

IoT, key to the digital transformation of logistics

Logistop, bajo el título de “Observatory Logistic IoT: sensorisation of logistics processes and data valorisation“, organised an online event in which technologically advanced solutions in data capture and valorisation were presented, as well as the vision of what data capture and data management means for a company. The event was attended by experts in the field such as Miguel Puertas, sales executive,  TECNIPESA, Diego Moreno Eguiluz, CEO, IoTHING, and hosted by Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director Logistop, and introduction of the Head of Innovation of Digitalisation and automation of processes for efficient and interconnected logistics at LogistopJavier Olmos, Head of company programmes, CARTIF, and David Ciprés, Head of the Digital Twin line applied to industrial and logistical processes, ITA.

Observatory Logistic IoT

Digital transformation and its impact on the supply chain

Miguel Puertas, in his speech, shared with the attendees examples and experiences of complete process control solutions in daily operations that are being developed and highlighted the important role that digital transformation plays in companies. In addition to sharing examples of solutions and success stories, Miguel pointed out the main benefits that digital transformation brings to the supply chain as 1) improved decision-making, 2) reduction of costs associated with returns, repetitive tasks, etc., 3) optimisation of inventory, 4) boosting environmental sustainability, 5) improved operator safety and 6) greater motivation on the part of the operator by creating a more qualified workforce trained in new technologies.

“New technologies change the way we work, improve services and products, provide greater value to customers and optimise and make resources more profitable”

Miguel Puertas, sales executive, TECNIPESA

New customised IoT sensors in industrial and logistics processes

Diego Moreno Eguiluz explained to the attendees the business model they are applying. It is a different model to what we are used to in the world of digitisation, since R&D is applied to the development of hardware. To this end, they have developed a modular capturing machine, which allows them to prototype any customer need, and adaptable software linked to a proprietary cloud platform, in which the acquired product can be easily visualised.

“The cloud will provide us with everything we need to view our devices and easily analyse the data, configuring alarms as needed”

Diego Moreno Eguiluz, CEO, IoTHING

About Logistop

At Logistop we transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry and companies to become more efficient and sustainable.

We are a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the logistics innovation arena formed by all the actors involved in the supply chain, as well as universitiestechnology centresassociations and specialised consultancy firms.

One of Logistop’s main objectives is:

  1. To promote the need for innovation among companies involved in the logistics sector;
  2. To promote innovation projects;
  3. To communicate the real needs of the sector at an institutional level.
