18 de November de 2021

Market, management and customer, key factors that can promote a shift in companies towards a more sustainable model

  • The customer is still not aware of the logistics chain model we are implementing when placing an order.
  • The emergence of local initiatives during the period of confinement made it possible to give visibility to small local shops and make them an alternative to large supermarkets.

With the aim of bringing attendees closer to the existing possibilities for incorporating the circular economy in logistics companies, from Logistop we have carried out the Webinar “Integration of the circular economy in logistics” in which leading experts have shown us, through different success stories, how we can incorporate the circular economy in logistics companies and how the latest technologies can contribute to achieving the objectives set out in terms of circular economy.

Santiago Muñoz, head of sustainability at Correos, Leire Balzategui, head of the strategic areas of Logistics 4. 0 and Clean Mobility and Logistics of the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country, MLC ITS Euskadi, Teresa Arriazu, technician of the international projects area of Consorcio EDER, Juan Angarita, associate researcher and expert in Artificial Intelligence of DeustoTech – University of Deusto, and the moderation and introduction of Tomás de la Vega, managing director of Logistop, and Deitze Otaduy, leader of the circular economy working group of Logistop and European Project Manager of DeustoTech – University of Deusto.

Firstly, Santiago Muñoz gave a speech in which he analysed and explained how Correos puts logistics at the service of the circular economy and how it also integrates this circular economy into its logistics. To this end, the main pillar they are working on is the recipient, to help them identify at the time of purchase whether the logistics chain they are activating is really sustainable or not, proposing a reflection on the type of shipments we want to use and offering the option of responsible shipments. So that the person placing the order can make an informed and conscious decision about what type of logistics chain they decide to activate. Likewise, and with the aim of facilitating interaction between the actors involved in the delivery process, Correos participates, among others, in the following projects: FOODRUS, Senator and POSTLowCIT.

“In the field of logistics it is still difficult for customers to know what kind of logistics chain they are using when placing their order, so we are working to raise awareness of the environmental impact of logistics,” Santiago Muñoz, head of sustainability, Correos

Leire Balzategui then gave a brief introduction to the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country, whose main objective is to promote the competitiveness of the business and industrial sector that develops activity around the mobility of people and goods, working in four areas of opportunity: Clean Mobility and Logistics, Connected Mobility, Logistics 4.0 and Smart Cities. In terms of the circular economy, they are a catalyst within a new comprehensive agreement on the circular economy with Ihobe, the Basque Government’s Public Company for Environmental Management. And, to conclude his presentation, he highlighted examples of cutting-edge projects carried out by its partners. He stressed that the main reason why companies are going to adopt a series of changes that will allow them to move towards more sustainable models will be due to external factors such as market demands, the regulations established by the administration and the requirements of customers.

“Clean Mobility and Logistics” strategic areas of the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country, MLC ITS Euskadi, said: “External factors (market demands, administrative regulations and customer requirements) are the main reasons that can promote a change in companies towards a more sustainable model”,  Leire Balzategui, head of the “Logistics 4.0” and “Clean Mobility and Logistics” strategic areas, Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country, MLC ITS Euskadi

Afterwards, Teresa Arriazu shared the project “SOMOS VERDURA: de la huerta a tu casa” that the EDER Consortium set up during the period of confinement caused by COVID-19. This project arose from the need they detected to give visibility and possibilities to our small local shops to continue selling their products, despite having had to close their physical shops, offering home deliveries. In this way, they managed to highlight the value of the commercial and productive fabric of the Ribera de Navarra region, taking advantage of the increase in family consumption to raise awareness of the importance of consuming seasonal produce and increase local consumption as opposed to large-scale retailers.

“The launch of the “SOMOS VERDURA: de la huerta a tu casa” project during the confinement arose with the aim of helping local trade at such a critical time as we were experiencing, facilitating contact and the sale of fresh, quality produce, avoiding both product and economic losses, and opening up an alternative route to large supermarkets”, Teresa Arriazu, technician in the international projects area, Consorcio EDER

Finally, Juan Angarita analysed, based on the experience and knowledge acquired through the development of the FOODRUS project, the key aspects in which artificial intelligence can contribute to the circularity of a food supply chain in which machine learning and deep learning are becoming increasingly relevant. The use of these technologies represents, among others, an opportunity both to measure, quantify and increase the circularity of the food supply chain, and to identify, predict and mitigate food waste in the food supply chain. To conclude, Juan explained the four key areas to improve the circularity of food supply chains, with digitalisation being a prerequisite to achieve this: 1) monitor and control; a) monitor and optimise; 3) predict and classify; and 4) identify patterns and trends.

“Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning are becoming increasingly relevant for the achievement of circularity in the food supply chain”, Juan Angarita, associate researcher and expert in Artificial Intelligence, DeustoTech – University of Deusto


Logistop is the leading workspace for collective innovation through the realisation of projects hand in hand with our members. Transforming the entire supply chain into a more efficient and sustainable one. All of this with the objective of articulating and carrying out innovation projects between members, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations external to Logistop.
