24 de May de 2023

Logistop and APPUNLE sign a collaboration agreement in the area of decarbonisation and energy efficiency in logistics warehouses

Logistop and the Association of Promoters, Owners and Users of Logistics Warehouses in Spain (APPUNLE – Asociación de Promotores, Propietarios y Usuarios de Naves Logísticas de España) have signed a Collaboration Agreement that will allow both associations to join forces to establish ways of action that favour and increase mutual benefit.

One of the priority areas of work to be developed within the framework of this agreement will be the implementation of innovation projects in the area of decarbonisation and energy efficiency in logistics warehouses.

To this end, within the framework of the agreement signed, Logistop and APPUNLE have agreed to hold two annual events, one of which will be aimed at disseminating knowledge about Logistop’s areas of work and carrying out the transfer of R+D+i results to the APPUNLE environment; while the second event will be aimed at seeking lines of work that produce an improvement in different aspects and problems of the logistics sector and the development of its activity (environmental, social or economic).

It is also proposed to promote the development and implementation of R+D+i projects between Logistop and APPUNLE associates, for which a work calendar will be drawn up on different topics.

Likewise, and in order to achieve the proposed objectives, a work of observation will be carried out on innovation and trends that are taking place and/or that are applicable to logistics warehouses.

About Logistop

Logistop, a reference association in collaborative logistics innovation, is a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the field of logistics innovation made up of all the actors involved in the supply chain, as well as universities, technology centres, associations and specialised consultancies. At Logistop we transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry and companies to become more efficient and sustainable.

The main objectives of Logistop are: 1) To promote the need for innovation by companies linked to the logistics sector; 2) To promote innovation projects; 3) To transmit to the institutional level what the real needs of the sector are.


APPUNLE is a non-profit association whose objective is the representation and defence of the professional interests of the owners, promoters and users of logistics warehouses, institutional participation and collaboration with Public Bodies and Administrations for the defence of the interests of the sector and the resolution of problems that affect the proper development of its activity, as well as the promotion of business solidarity among all members and the continuous improvement in the training of the human groups that make up the same. In any case, it is expressly declared that neither the direct or indirect fixing of prices nor the distribution of the market or any other aspect that restricts free competition are the aims of this association.
