14 de February de 2023

Logistop Events Calendar February – July 2023

This year, at Logistop, we are expanding the type of events available in order to adapt to the needs of our partners, industry and society and to continue to add value in the field of logistics innovation.

  • OBSERVATORY LOGISTIC: analysis of trends in our areas of expertise, as well as observation of trends that are occurring in the global market.
  • LOGISTALKS: analysing and discussing current and future industry challenges.
  • INNOVATION LAB: to observe and explore ideas for further identification of our partners’ interests for the realisation of projects.
  • FOCUS SESSIONS: presentation of ideas/project seeds with the aim of verifying and proposing innovation projects.
  • INNOVATION DAY: together with all our members, we join forces to contribute to the logistics innovation of the future.
  • VALUE ADDING DAYS: we add value to the strategic lines of action.

In this link we share the calendar of events that Logistop will carry out between February and July 2023. Also, on the Events page all the events are created and you can download the save the date of those that are of interest to you and, in the case of the Observatory Logistic and LogisTalk, you already have the link available to register.

For more information you can write to info@logistop.org.

* Calendar subject to change.
