10 de May de 2022

Logistop launches port logistics digitalisation projects

Logistop, a referent association in collaborative logistics innovation, has analysed the digitalisation needs of the main actors involved in port logistics.

This analysis has allowed us to identify a series of common areas for improvement that are leading to the definition of a series of innovation projects that we have begun to implement and that will allow us to solve these needs.

In this sense, last Friday 6th May, we organised a meeting in hybrid format at the headquarters of our partner Esri, which was attended by 27 companies from the sector, all of them Logistop partners.

This meeting was the starting point for the definition of a first consortium of companies that will work on the development and execution of a series of projects framed under the thematic line “ship – port interface”.

Those companies in the sector that are interested in developing and executing innovation projects in the line of work of digitalisation of port logistics can contact us by email at info@logistop.org to coordinate a videoconference and analyse the existing possibilities of collaboration.


Logistop pone en marcha proyectos de digitalización de la logística portuaria
