16 de February de 2022

Logistop meets for its General Assembly

On Wednesday 16 February 2022, the General Assembly of Logistop was held virtually, chaired by Pablo Gómez, CEO of FM Logistic Ibérica and president of Logistop, in which the members approved the management and accounts for the financial year 2021, as well as the budget for the current year, after the presentation and explanation made by Tomás de la Vega, managing director of Logistop. The incorporation of the Valenciaport Foundation as a new member of the Steering Committee was also approved.

During the year 2021 we carried out 13 webinars and 13 focus sessions, among other activities, as well as establishing different collaboration agreements with other associations. In addition, we have strengthened the structure of the working groups and are increasing our ecosystem of action.

On the other hand, in 2021 we designed and launched the new Logistop

website with the aim of creating a reference space for logistics innovation. To this end, we have worked on a website based on elegance, accessibility and dynamic content.

As a result of this work, we are developing a proposal for a strategy of inter-territorial decarbonisation of ports and their activities, among other important actions, defining the seeds of projects in the lines of work of digitalisation of port logistics and automation of logistics.

We would like to thank our members for attending the Assembly, as well as for their participation and contributions in the different activities and working groups in which we are involved.

Asamblea General Logistop 2022

Finally, those institutions that would like to be involved in the projects we are working on, as well as in the activities we are developing, we are at your disposal by sending an e-mail to info@logistop.org.
