27 de June de 2023

Logistop meets for its General Assembly 2023

On 27 June 2023, Logistop’s General Assembly was met virtually, chaired by Pablo Gómez, CEO of FM Logistic Ibérica and chairman of Logistop. At the meeting, the members approved the management and accounts for the 2022 financial year, as well as the budget for 2023, following a presentation by Tomás de la Vega, managing director of Logistop.

The Assembly also approved the incorporation of Disfrimur as a new member of the Steering Committee.

During 2022 we carried out 18 webinars, 5 LogisTalks, 4 focus sessions and 60 project sessions, among other activities. We have also reinforced Logistop’s strategy and, with a view to 2023, we have increased our ecosystem of action. We are also establishing different collaboration agreements with other associations.

As a result of this work, two projects worked on within the framework of Logistop have been approved in the Missions 2022 call for proposals, another project linked to urban logistics is in the process of implementation and we have two projects underway in the line of work on the digitalisation of port logistics. Among other outstanding actions.

In the coming days, we will publish on our Events page the calendar of activities planned for the second half of the year.

We thank our members for attending the Assembly, as well as for their participation and contributions in the different activities and working groups.

Finally, those institutions that would like to be involved in the projects we are working on, as well as in the activities we are developing, we are at your disposal by emailing info@logistop.org.
