24 de October de 2023

Leaders of the sector will meet in Puertollano at the event “Towards energy transition in logistics”

  • Date and time: 15 November 2023, 9:00h (CET).

  • Location: Pedro Almodóvar Municipal Auditorium (room 2) (Address: Pl. Mariana Pineda, 0. Puertollano).

  • Format: face-to-face event.

On 15 November, Logistop, in collaboration with the City Council of Puertollano, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ciudad Real and the National Hydrogen Centre, will hold the face-to-face event: “Towards the Energy Transition in Logistics”. This conference is presented as a unique opportunity for leaders in the sector who wish to explore the most current issues in the world of logistics and the energy transition.

  • Date and time: 15 November 2023, 9:00h (CET).
  • Location: Pedro Almodóvar Municipal Auditorium (room 2) (Address: Pl. Mariana Pineda, 0. Puertollano).
  • Format: face-to-face event (registration required).

Rumbo a la transición energética en la logística

With the participation of experts from both the public and private sectors and leading organisations in decarbonisation and sustainability in the field of logistics, “Towards Energy Transition in Logistics” is a unique opportunity to explore current issues in the world of logistics and energy transition, thanks to an agenda packed with high-value content.

The conference will be opened by Miguel Ángel Valverde, President, Diputación de Ciudad Real, Miguel Ángel Ruiz Rodríguez, Mayor, Puertollano City Council, José Luis Ruiz Heras, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ciudad Real, Carlos de la Cruz, Head of the Simulation, Control and End Uses Unit, National Hydrogen Centre, and Tomás de la Vega, Managing Director of Logistop.

Afterwards, Juan Carlos de Pablo, Head of Innovation for Decarbonisation, Logistop, will give the inaugural conference Energy transition: debunking myths and advancing in realities.

During the day, two round tables will be held to address key issues:

The first, under the title Logistics infrastructures and port environments as active agents and catalysts in the energy transition, leading experts will explore the crucial role played by logistics infrastructures and port environments in the transition towards more sustainable energy sources. Moderated by Asier Maiztegi, director of decarbonisation strategies for the economy at TECNALIA, the discussion will include the participation of Mar Blázquez, deputy assistant director of Energy Efficiency at the Directorate General of Energy Policy and Mines of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge; Carlos Salinas, head of the mobility department at MOLGAS ENERGÍA S. A.U.; Javier Pollos, partner at Atlanthy; Félix Gómez, Technology & Innovation Lead at Exolum; and Juan Vera, expert in biogas and hydrogen.

In the second, Decarbonisation of freight transport, we will address strategies and technologies for the decarbonisation of freight transport. Moderated by Javier Garrido, transport researcher at CENIT, the panel will include the participation of Jesús Sánchez Soria, Deputy Director of the Logistics Services Management Centre at ADIF; Isabel Sánchez, Managing Director of Grupo Disfrimur and Director of General Services at DISFRIMUR; and Antonio Lorenzo Egido, Director of Refining Production at the Repsol Industrial Complex in Puertollano; Antonio Lorenzo Egido, Director of Refining Production at the Repsol Industrial Complex in Puertollano; Eduardo Segundo Puentes, Transport Strategy Granter at FI-GROUP; and Enrique Pablo Palop Sánchez, Head of Service at the Subdirectorate General for Energy Foresight, Strategy and Regulations of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

The meeting will also provide a networking space for participants to establish contacts, foster collaborations and generate synergies that contribute to the joint development of sustainable and innovative projects. It is a unique opportunity to keep abreast of the latest trends in the energy transition in the logistics sector.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Logistop by email: info@logistop.org (registration required).

Agenda available at this link.
