21 de February de 2024

ENERTRAG, new Logistop member

ENERTRAG, joins Logistop with the aim of continuing to add value in the field of innovation and contribute to the development and implementation of projects, especially in the field of renewable energies.


ENERTRAG is a German company that promotes, develops and operates Renewable Energy and Green Hydrogen projects and derivatives (Ammonia, emethanol, SAF).

It has more than 1000 employees and an international presence in countries such as France, Poland, South Africa, Namibia, Uruguay and of course Spain, with headquarters in Madrid.

ENERTRAG is a pioneer in green hydrogen with 15 years of experience in an emerging market. In addition, it has the first international plant for the production of 100% green hydrogen with final uses in its own HRS (hydrogen Refueling Station) and in blending in the German Natural Gas network.

ENERTRAG is currently developing more than 3GW of electrolysis capacity for different uses of H2 and its derivatives.

About Logistop

At Logistop, a leader in logistics innovation in Spain, we turn our ideas into value and transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry, companies and society in general to be more efficient and sustainable. Our mission is to transform the supply chain through innovation, helping industry and companies to become more efficient and sustainable. One of Logistop’s main objectives is to promote the need for innovation among companies involved in the logistics sector; to promote innovation projects; and to communicate the real needs of the sector at an institutional level.

Through Logistop, research, development and innovation priorities are effectively defined. To this end, a series of events (Observatory Logistic, LogisTalks, Innovation Lab, focus sessions, Innovation Day, value-adding workshops, etc.) are promoted to dynamise, align priorities and needs, as well as to generate knowledge and put it to good use to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of the logistics and mobility chain in Spain.

You can consult the Logistop members here.
