14 de October de 2021

Aquiles Solutions, new Logistop member

Aquiles Solutions has formalised its membership of Logistop with the aim of actively collaborating in the transformation of the logistics sector through innovation projects.

About Aquiles Solutions

Aquiles Solutions is a technology transformation company with extensive experience in software development and brings a great transversal knowledge, which allows not only to create customised tools to meet the needs of customers, but also to provide guidance on the operational potential of Artificial Intelligence in the specific business.

About Logistop

Logistop is a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the field of logistics innovation made up of top level companies, highly committed to our areas of work with the objective of effectively defining research, development and innovation priorities, as well as articulating and carrying out innovation projects among the members, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations external to Logistop.

You can see our members here.
