24 de January de 2023

ATLANTHY joins Logistop

AtlantHy joins Logistop as a new partner with the aim of continuing to add value in the field of innovation and to contribute and participate in the development and implementation of innovation projects, highlighting those related to logistics and decarbonisation, mainly in hydrogen issues.

About AtlantHy

AtlantHy is a renewable hydrogen consultancy with years of experience in analysing hydrogen production, transport and dispensing projects. We accelerate projects in a reliable way, based on market knowledge of the technologies and the right partners. For ATLANTHY, hydrogen will be a key element of future energy systems, accounting for up to 20% of global energy consumption. Positioning itself well now will allow any group to be in the right place in the coming years, achieving its environmental objectives in an economically competitive way.

Their knowledge of hydrogen after several years in the sector, together with their experience, allows them to provide solutions and guidance in the most demanding projects, characterised by a total commitment to providing a personalised service to the client, from traditional consultancy to basic engineering.

About Logistop

Logistop is a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the field of logistics innovation made up of top level companies, highly committed to our areas of work with the objective of effectively defining research, development and innovation priorities, as well as articulating and carrying out innovation projects among the members, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations external to Logistop.

You can see our members here.
