21 de October de 2022

ON Energy, new Logistop member

ON Energy joins Logistop with the aim of continuing to add value in the field of innovation and to contribute and participate in the development and execution of innovation projects, mainly in the field of sustainability, decarbonisation and energy.

About ON Energy

ON Energy is an engineering integrator of energy management systems that provides comprehensive solutions for efficiency, resilience and sustainability, mainly based on the real-time management capacity of energy generation and cogeneration systems and storage technologies, for implementation in industrial centres, infrastructures, urban, residential or any other type of development.

As a company specialising in integration engineering, it has the know-how and technological potential to lead or participate in projects aimed at guaranteeing energy self-sufficiency, based on renewable generation boosted by accumulation and grid management systems. Its systems not only work as support for installations integrated into the electricity grid, but also allow customers to develop their own micro-grid, with the capacity to respond to their energy needs in an intelligent and self-sufficient way, even independently of the grid.

ON Energy is continuously developing solutions to reduce the energy impact in transport chains, both for goods and passengers, enabling “Zero Net” solutions in each phase of a logistics process, from self-sufficiency projects for large infrastructures (ports and airports) to specialised industries or mobile platforms.

About Logistop

Logistop is an association whose mission is to impact the Spanish supply chain by transforming it through innovation into a more sustainable and efficient one. It is a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the field of logistics innovation, comprising all the actors involved in the supply chain, as well as universities, technology centres, associations and specialised consultancies, making up the perfect ingredients of possible project promoters.

Through Logistop, research, development and innovation priorities are effectively defined, as well as articulating and carrying out innovation projects among the partners, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations external to Logistop.

To this end, a series of events are promoted (webinars, focus sessions, project sessions, etc.) which, in addition to dynamising and aligning priorities and needs, generate knowledge and add value to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of the logistics and mobility chain in Spain.

You can consult the Logistop members here.
