25 de November de 2021

Sea & Ports, new Logistop member

Sea & Ports joins Logistop with the aim of continuing to add value in the field of port logistics.

About Sea & Ports

Sea&Ports is a group of companies in the maritime port logistics sector with a global presence and highly specialised in trade flows with the African continent, specifically with West Africa.

With headquarters in Madrid and a current area of operations that covers the Mediterranean, West Africa, Northern Europe and Asia, Sea&Ports is the only Spanish maritime group with international operations that has its own shipping company and, at the same time, covers all areas of maritime transport. The group has a network of more than 100 offices, agents and commercial members in more than 55 countries. This network of almost 300 workers operates to offer comprehensive door-to-door logistics solutions with maximum efficiency and without losing attention to detail, always seeking excellence in each and every one of our actions and showing a firm commitment to offering the ideal solution.

About Logistop

Logistop is a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the field of logistics innovation made up of top level companies, highly committed to our areas of work with the objective of effectively defining research, development and innovation priorities, as well as articulating and carrying out innovation projects among the members, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations external to Logistop.

You can see our members here.
