InPost, new Logistop member

InPost joins as a new Logistop member with the aim of continuing to add value in the field of innovation and to contribute to the development and implementation of projects, as well as to achieve a more efficient, digital and sustainable logistics chain, mainly in the...

SinCeO2 joins Logistop

SinCeO2 joins as a new member of Logistop with the aim of continuing to add value in the field of innovation and to contribute to the development and implementation of projects, as well as to achieve a more efficient, digital and sustainable logistics chain, mainly in...

ALICE Logistics Clusters Group in-person meeting

The ALICE Logistics Clusters Group held an in-person meeting in Tallinn, Estonia and Helsinki, Finland on 15-16 May. The event brought together logistics clusters and networks part of ALICE network from across  Europe to experience key developments in digitalization,...