Advanced Factories, the benchmark technology event in southern Europe for professionals in the industrial sector, will hold its new edition from 18 to 20 April 2023 for the first time at the Fira de Barcelona – Gran Via exhibition centre. More than 380 exhibiting firms will present all the innovations and latest solutions related to industrial automation, robotics, additive manufacturing, machine vision and all technologies related to Industry 4.0 such as Artificial Intelligence, the digital twin, data analytics, IoT, cloud and cybersecurity, among others.
“Advanced Factories is taking on a new dimension for Spanish industry professionals with the new location, which is in line with its specialisation in industrial automation and robotics, and the momentum it has gained in recent editions. From 2023 onwards, we will have more space available to support all the players in the industrial sector’s value chain with the aim of improving their productivity through automation and robotisation of their production lines”, stresses Albert Planas, CEO of Advanced Factories.
Advanced Machine Tools: the new benchmark event for the machine tool sector
The second new feature of the seventh edition of Advanced Factories will be the creation of a new trade fair dedicated to the metalworking industry and machine tool manufacturers and distributors: Advanced Machine Tools. This new fair, which will occupy another Fira pavilion, will be held biennially in odd-numbered years (2023, 2025, 2027…) so as not to coincide with the Bilbao Biennial, and will be the meeting place for all professionals in the Iberian Peninsula linked to the metal sector, in search of advanced and intelligent high-precision machine tools.
With this, from 18 to 20 April 2023, Advanced Machine Tools will bring together the latest innovations in machine tools, components, cutting machinery, lasers, starting, machining, moulds, dies, instrumentation, software and all the technologies and innovations necessary for the metal industry and its ancillary sectors. A new lever for boosting business that brings back a historic date in Barcelona with the Catalan market.
Metal returns to Barcelona
Con estas dos novedades, el nuevo emplazamiento de la Fira para Advanced Factories y Advanced Machine Tools, Barcelona se volverá a situar como referente industrial del sur de Europa y se recuperará una cita histórica con el sector del metal y de la máquina-herramienta en la ciudad condal, con el objetivo de dinamizar esta industria en España y de forma particular en la zona de levante, Cataluña y Aragón.
With these two novelties, the new location of the Fira for Advanced Factories and Advanced Machine Tools, Barcelona will once again become an industrial benchmark in southern Europe and a historic event for the metal and machine-tool sector in the city of Barcelona, with the aim of boosting this industry in Spain, particularly in the eastern region, Catalonia and Aragon.
About Logistop
Logistop is an association whose mission is to impact the Spanish supply chain by transforming it through innovation into a more sustainable and efficient one. It is a multidisciplinary and inter-territorial working space in the field of logistics innovation, comprising all the actors involved in the supply chain, as well as universities, technology centres, associations and specialised consultancies, making up the perfect ingredients of possible project promoters.
Through Logistop, research, development and innovation priorities are effectively defined, as well as articulating and carrying out innovation projects among the partners, without excluding the possibility of collaborating with or receiving support from certain organisations external to Logistop.
To this end, a series of events are promoted (webinars, focus sessions, project sessions, etc.) which, in addition to dynamising and aligning priorities and needs, generate knowledge and add value to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of the logistics and mobility chain in Spain.
You can consult the Logistop members here.